Saturday, April 4, 2020

Games in time of Corona

In absence of other outdoor activities here is a thing that you can start or revisit if you have been doing it before.


As i noticed, almost all servers are overflown and sometimes it is hard to get into game that you would like to play. So i turned to some alternative options while i was waiting.
Here are some recommendation for this week, short games found within the Dota 2 package. I tried them for the first time and they are easy to comprehend and fast and dynamic.

Many would debate if playing games is practical but easy it can be. Stay at home and enjoy new virtual worlds.

Two teams of max 4 players, principle similar to capture the flag. Get into their base before they get into yours. 
Each player chooses a character and puts buildings that produce certain minions that battle the opponent.
First team that wins two battles, wins the game.

You can play by yourself, or against other players, max 4 players per game.
Each player chooses his lane and depending on the game settings makes his defense by combining different elements (earth, fire, water, nature, light, dark).
As waves of enemies keep getting stronger you can upgrade or add more defense towers.
The winner is the player who withstands more enemy waves.

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